The average interest rate on loans in the national currency continues to rise. In November, it reached 23.47%, according to the Central Bank.

Payments for loans with a term of up to one year reached 23.45%, which is 0.25% higher than last month. For long-term loans, the rate was 23.48% (+0.17%).

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Interest rates for individual loans have significantly increased, now standing at 24.3% (+0.4%). The rate in the long-term segment has risen to 24.2% (+0.3%), while short-term loan rates have added over a percentage point, hitting a new high of 26.6%.

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Corporate loans are showing relative stability, with rates remaining around 22.7% for the fourth month. A slight increase in the short-term loan segment (to 23.2%) was offset by a decrease in long-term loans to 22.4%.

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Foreign currency loans have risen slightly in price again. The average rate for them was 10.2%, up by 0.1% over the month.

The rate in the segment of loans with a term of less than one year was 10.8% (+0.5%). Conversely, rates for long-term borrowings have decreased again to 9.7% (-0.3%).

Previously, Spot reported that the president proposed that banks consider payments for utilities and taxes in clients' credit histories to simplify the loan issuance process.